woensdag 15 november 2017

Conversation with Govert Viergever on his experiences with NeurOptimal® Advanced Braintraining

A conversation with Govert Viergever. This took place at the moment he and I got together to create closure on the project with him and NeurOptimal® . We have sat together for two hours, enjoying a good Bulletproof coffee, in Amsterdam on Nov.15th 2017. Hannie.

“I am definitely a big fan. NeurOptimal® has proofed itself as a fantastic brain training/ brain hacking system. The most important shifts I noticed happened within the first two months that I have been using the system. I noticed increased focus and concentration. Not only during our races and training, but also in my everyday life.

I noticed my mind was calmer, as if there was less ‘noise’ going on in my mind. Due to that, my inner creativity emerged, and, I re-gained access to ideas I used to have, as I thought they had disappeared over the years. To give you an example: I have always found lots of joy in creating small video-blogs on food and wellbeing. Those videos, some of them are over 10 years old, were funny and interesting for my fans. I still receive feedback on them, although I haven’t been creating new ones recently due to lack of inspiration. At this point, it has been over 7 weeks ago since my last session, my mind is still quiet, and I have been able to work out new ideas on how I would like to use my knowledge and experience in the future. I will not be rowing at this level anymore within 5 to 10 years. Tokyo, the Olympics, is my next goal. I have always dreamt of winning a gold medal at the games. After that, I would like to have a plan ready. My website is almost finished, I am ready to start my own business and see if I can inspire young people to live their dream and teach them how to take good care of their health and wellbeing.

Even now, even given the fact that my last good neuroptimal session took place over a month ago, I still enjoy the results and effects of my sessions. For that, I am grateful that I have been given the chance to work with NeurOptimal® and Hannie Ruinen. And, I am definitely in for more NeurOptimal® for athletes.

At this moment, our coaches decided to take apart the teams we were during this season. We are now all individual rowers. In January new teams will be formed, and I will ‘have’ three new boat mates that I have to get to know. And, we have to see if we can tie our energy together. Hannie explained to me, that it is possible to interconnect the hookups with more than just one person. The star-hookup makes sense to me as it comes to connecting energy. Both Hannie and I will explore the idea of doing a rowers-team intensive training during 3 days next season. I am really curious about the results and the experience of that, as well what it will be doing with me and my new team.

Our journey will continue....Thank you. Govert Viergever”

maandag 12 juni 2017

Olympic Dutch Rower Trains His Brain With NeurOptimal Neurofeedback

Since March 2017 Neuro-Insight, Zengar Inc. and Govert Viergever, Dutch Olympic rower of TeamNL, have been working together. Viergever has trained his brain for 8 weeks, almost daily and shares his experiences with us. He will continue to train his brain, using our equipment. The experiences so far have been very positive. His concentration improved, and, anxiety and nervousness before and during races decreased. 
NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain, enabling it to function at its best. It’s mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system and has been called “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. Note aside however, NeurOptimal® does have a long and verifiable history with over THREE MILLION HOURS of safe and effective usage, and it is celebrating its seventeenth year this year!

Thank you Govert for being so open, and, we wish you lots of succes this rowing season! 

zondag 11 juni 2017

How a NeurOptimal mom became a cliquemom as well

 Here is my story.... February 13th 2016 my daughter got struck by a CVA. Something clothed in her brain, and we were horrified by seeing her being half paralysed within a couple of seconds. The weeks that followed were intense. Our happy and clever girl had changed from am A+ student into a slow and silent girl within a moment. She kept repeating that she wanted to have a ukelele. At that moment we did not have a clue why, but, we bought her one. She could listen to mp3s all day, without any word or movement. Processing information was hard for her, and she was so tired....sooo extremely tired. Our worries were immensely you can figure that. After a month, half March or so, she told us she had learned to play a song on her new instrument...it was I can't help falling in love with you...when we asked were she had heard the song, she said, on YouTube, Twenty One Pilots. So, we started watching it, as she played along. It was the only thing she could process at that time: music, especially from the band! After a couple of weeks she got accepted in a rehabilitation program. She had to work her body three times a week. And, had speech therapy as well. She also trained her brain with NeurOptimal neurofeedback. As I am working as a practioner myself, that was easy to facilitate. Riding her bicycle was difficult, but necessary (we live in The Netherlands, were everyone uses the bike to get from a to b....so, it is a basic thing here that you need.....she kept practising and practising. One day I heard her play the piano! She had learned to play the piano, and, all the songs of twenty one pilots just came out of her hands. I was astounded by this. Then she asked if she could go to a concert and if I would buy her a ticket. In May she was recovering more and more, and, I managed to get my hands on tickets for the Emotional Roadtour in Düsseldorf Germany, in November. At that moment it seemed that it would take ages, and I was worried she would not feel well enough to go....that summer she learned all the lyrics by heart and she could sing along and rap with all the songs. September came, and I had begun to listen to the band as well, and I was amazed by the energy that grabbed me. I am a trained musician, keyboard playing and drumming mother, and it had been a long time ago since I had been caught by music like that. From that moment on I became a cliquemom, and, yes, we went to the concert, my girl was in the pit. It was a moment I will never forget. She became so much alive through  their music, and, she is still not completely well, but, she is ALIVE! So am I, and happy and proud of my girl. For all of you who sometimes feel you need a little bit of support, be proud yourself and find comfort in being part of this friendly group! For Josh and Tyler...thank you guys for sharing your creativity and great music. Now I am emotional.....and grateful. Haagje.